Terms of Service

Effective Date: June 13, 2024


We extend a warm welcome to you as you embark upon your journey on our platform. These Terms of Service (“Terms”) shall hereby regulate and dictate the utilization of our services by you, the user. It is of the utmost importance that you thoroughly comprehend the contents of these Terms. By virtue of accessing or utilizing our platform, you hereby consent to be legally bound by the following Terms and Conditions.

These terms and conditions have been formulated to delineate the essential guidelines governing the utilization of our Service and to define the contractual relationship between our Company and the entity availing of our Service.

These terms of service govern your utilization of the Website and Service, provided by the entity known as Choracle AI Factory, LLC, hereinafter referred to as “the Company.” Please review the following terms and conditions diligently. By accessing and utilizing the Website and/or the Service, the User or Guest hereby acknowledges and consents to the ensuing terms: (i) The User or Guest affirms that their utilization of the Website and/or the Service, inclusive of the fulfillment of the Account registration process, is executed in strict adherence to these Terms and the Privacy Policy. The User or Guest hereby affirms and acknowledges that they have diligently perused, fully grasped, and unequivocally consented to all the stipulations delineated within the confines of the Terms and Privacy Policy. (ii) The User or Guest hereby affirms and represents that they have attained the requisite legal age and possess the requisite legal capacity to enter into a binding agreement duly and validly with the Company. (iii) The User or Guest hereby affirms and warrants that they possess the requisite authority to act on behalf of the entity they purport to represent. If the User finds themselves in disagreement with any provision contained within these Terms, it is strongly advised that they refrain from accessing or utilizing the Service. The User’s utilization of the Service is expressly conditioned upon their unequivocal acceptance of and unwavering adherence to the effective Terms. In the event of any disputes or concerns, the User shall have the option to utilize the designated Contact form provided by the Company for the purpose of transmitting an electronic mail communication.


The following terms constitute a legal description of the services provided by the party responsible for this document.

“Terms of Service” refers to the legally binding agreement between the User and the party responsible for this document, governing the use of the services.

“Accessing” refers to the act of obtaining or retrieving information or data from the services.

“Using” refers to the act of employing or engaging with the services in any manner.

The term “Account” refers to the individualized administrative interface that grants the User permission to access and utilize the Service and/or the Website.

The term “Agreement” herein pertains to a legally enforceable agreement that sets forth the terms and conditions that govern the utilization of the Service by the user. This document represents a legally binding agreement between the individual utilizing the services (referred to as the “User”) and the entity providing said services (referred to as the “Company”).

The term “Company” as used herein shall refer exclusively to Choracle AI Factory LLC.

By virtue of accessing and utilizing the Website or the Service, you hereby acknowledge and consent to the fact that all information, encompassing, but not limited to, posts, uploads, or submissions generated by a Guest or User, shall be deemed as “Content.”

The term “Device” as used herein shall encompass and pertain to all technological apparatuses, gadgets, or contrivances, regardless of form or nature, possessing the capability to access the vast expanse of the Internet and exhibit or present online pages, inclusive of, but not restricted to, personal computers, mobile phones, tablets, and any other analogous or akin devices. It is important to note that the enumeration is not exhaustive and is merely illustrative in nature.

The term “Guest” shall herein refer to an individual who, in the context of accessing the site, engages solely in the act of browsing or exploring its content without possessing a registered account or engaging in any form of active participation.

By virtue of the present definition, the phrase “Intellectual Property” shall refer to the Company’s absolute and exclusive rights to all designations, discoveries, utility models, industrial designs, artistic works, and any other manifestations of creative effort that have been externalized and articulated.

The term “Link” shall herein refer to a digital hyperlink that, upon being activated by a user through a click or tap, facilitates the redirection of said user to alternative websites or online destinations.

In the realm of a “Mobile Device,” the term encompasses any cellular phone, tablet, or other portable electronic device that possesses the capability to access the Website or make use of the Service.

Notification – hereinafter referred to as a communication, is hereby defined as a means of delivering information to the User for the sole purpose of service-related matters.

The term “Other Websites” pertains to any online resources or websites that are distinct and separate from the particular website under consideration.

The term “Password” shall herein refer to the strictly confidential method of authentication, deliberately selected by the User, which functions as an essential mechanism for gaining access to their designated Account. The aforementioned system comprises a sequence of alphanumeric symbols that may be entered through the keyboard of a computer or mobile device, thereby facilitating the User’s ability to input and modify textual content within the designated Account.

By invoking the term “Privacy Policy,” we are expressly referring to the policy that the Company has publicly exhibited on its website, outlining the precise manner in which users’ personal information is handled.

The term “Terms” shall herein refer to the comprehensive and legally binding language encompassed within the confines of this agreement.

The party in possession of the account shall henceforth be referred to as the “User.”


By accessing the web pages through the provided URL in a web browser, you hereby acknowledge and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions as outlined in this agreement. The term “Website” shall herein refer to the collection of webpages accessible through the designated URL, encompassing any additional online platforms that are exclusively operated by the Company through the mechanism of redirection.

Please be advised that the utilization of either the singular or plural forms of the aforementioned definitions shall not in any way modify or affect their intended meaning.

By accessing or utilizing this service, you hereby consent to adhere to the subsequent general rules, including but not limited to federal, state, and local laws, regulations, and ordinances, while using our services. Failure to comply with these laws may result in legal consequences and the termination of your access to our services.

Intellectual Property: All intellectual property rights, including but not limited to copyrights, trademarks, and patents, in the content of this website and products are owned by or licensed to us unless labeled as “open source” or materials of an equivalent type. You may not reproduce any such item without the permission of the copyright owner.

By establishing an Account, you hereby acknowledge and consent to the receipt of electronic communications from our entity, encompassing but not limited to newsletters, marketing communications, and promotional materials.

By utilizing our services, you acknowledge that payment for your subscription can be made through any accepted credit card. By availing services from the Company, you may be required to provide certain billing information. This includes: (i) your complete name, (ii) your email address, (iii) the country of your residence, and (iv) a valid payment method. By utilizing our services, you acknowledge and agree to grant Company the authority to charge all Subscription fees accrued on your Account to the designated payment method(s) you have furnished. By placing any orders, you acknowledge and agree that we reserve the right to refuse or cancel such orders at our discretion, without any obligation to provide a specific reason. This includes, but is not limited to, situations where the service is unavailable, the service description or pricing is inaccurate, or an error has occurred in relation to your purchase. In the event that fraudulent activity or an unauthorized or illegal transaction is identified, we reserve the right to refuse or terminate your order. By engaging in any transaction with The Company, you acknowledge and agree that you are solely responsible for any taxes or additional charges imposed by the government of the country where the order originated. The Company shall not be liable for any such taxes or charges and will not provide any reimbursement or compensation in relation to them. It is your responsibility to ensure compliance with all applicable tax laws and regulations. By placing an order, you agree to assume full responsibility for all associated costs. The Company reserves the right to discontinue any specific paid subscription service at its discretion and without prior notice.

Modifications to Pricing and Fees: The User acknowledges and agrees that the service provider retains the sole and absolute discretion to modify the pricing and fees associated with the services provided. Such modifications may be implemented at any given time without any obligation to provide prior notice. The User assumes full responsibility for regularly reviewing the pricing structure established by the service provider.

Please be advised that the Company retains the authority to alter the fees associated with your subscription at its sole discretion and without limitation as to timing. It is imperative that you comprehend and accept that by continuing to avail yourself of our services, you are expressly consenting to the application of the revised subscription rate to your account upon the conclusion of the ongoing billing cycle. In the event that the Company deems it necessary to make adjustments to the subscription fees, you will be promptly notified, affording you the opportunity to terminate your subscription prior to the implementation of the fee increase. It is crucial to acknowledge that by electing to utilize the Service after the implementation of any modifications to the subscription fee, you are explicitly acknowledging your acceptance of the revised subscription charge and thereby assuming the responsibility to fulfill the payment obligation accordingly.

Refunds: Refunds for purchases and subscription fees shall not be provided unless expressly mandated by applicable laws or prior agreements are in place determining the terms under which a customer might be eligible for a refund.

Prohibited Uses of Our Services: Pursuant to the terms and conditions set forth herein, we hereby request that you abstain from partaking in any of the subsequent activities during the course of utilizing our services: 1. Violating any laws or regulations that are applicable to your jurisdiction or the jurisdiction in which our services are being accessed. 2. Infringing upon the intellectual property rights of any third party, including but not limited to copyrights, trademarks, patents, trade secrets, or any other proprietary rights. 3. Engaging in any form of unauthorized access, hacking, or any other activity that compromises the security or integrity of our services or the data contained therein.

By accessing or utilizing the Service or Website, you hereby acknowledge and consent to be bound by the Terms and shall employ them exclusively for lawful intents. In no event shall you be authorized to employ the Service or Website in any manner that falls within the purview of the ensuing prohibitions:

By accessing or utilizing this platform, you hereby acknowledge and consent to refrain from participating in, or endeavoring to participate in, the transmission, dissemination, or conveyance of any kind of advertising, promotional material, “junk mail,” “chain letter,” “spam,” or any other comparable solicitation.

By accessing or utilizing our services, you hereby acknowledge and consent to refrain from participating in any conduct that entails the act of impersonating or endeavoring to present oneself as a representative, employee, partner, sponsor, consultant, or agent of our Company.

Under no circumstances shall any actions be undertaken that would infringe upon the rights of others or engage in any illegal, threatening, fraudulent, or damaging activities. Moreover, it is imperative that any utilization of our services remain devoid of any association with unlawful, illegal, fraudulent, or harmful intentions or behaviors.

By accessing or utilizing the Service or Website, you hereby acknowledge and consent to abstain from participating in any actions or conduct that, in our exclusive discretion, could potentially cause harm, detriment, or offense to the Company or any other Users. Furthermore, you hereby acknowledge and consent to abstain from participating in any actions or conduct that, in our exclusive discretion, could potentially expose the Company or any other Users to legal liability.

By accessing and utilizing the Service or Website, you hereby acknowledge and consent to refrain from participating in any activities that have the potential to disable, overburden, damage, or impair the functionality or performance of the Service or Website. 

By accessing and utilizing the Service, you hereby acknowledge and agree that you shall refrain from engaging in any activities that may impede, obstruct, or disrupt the usage of the Service by any other individual or entity.

By accessing the Service or Website, you hereby acknowledge and agree that you shall refrain from employing any form of automated device, mechanism, or procedure, such as a robot, spider, or similar technology, to gain access to or engage with the Service or Website. This prohibition encompasses, but is not restricted to, the monitoring or replication of any content or materials made available on the Service or Website.

By accessing and utilizing the Service or Website, you hereby acknowledge and consent to refrain from participating in any form of manual process aimed at monitoring or duplicating any material accessible on the Service or Website, unless prior authorization has been obtained.

The utilization of any hardware, software, or procedure with the explicit purpose or potential to inflict harm upon the Service or Website is categorically forbidden.

By virtue of accessing or utilizing our services, you hereby consent and undertake to refrain from introducing any form of malevolent or technologically detrimental content, which encompasses, but is not restricted to, viruses, trojan horses, worms, logic bombs, or any other software or code that may cause harm or damage.

The engagement or attempted engagement in a denial-of-service or distributed denial-of-service attack against the Service or Website is explicitly prohibited.

By accessing or utilizing any services rendered by the Company, you hereby acknowledge and consent to refrain from participating in any activities that have the potential to undermine the credibility or besmirch the reputation of the Company.

The user is hereby notified that any engagement in activities that have the potential to disrupt or interfere with the regular operation of the Service or Website is strictly prohibited.

You further acknowledge and agree that you shall not reproduce, modify, distribute, display, perform, or create derivative works of any intellectual property found on this platform without the explicit written consent of the platform owner. Any unauthorized use of the platform’s intellectual property may result in legal action and potential liability for damages.


You are granted a limited, non-transferable, and non-exclusive right to access and use the Service and Website solely for your personal, non-commercial use, in accordance with these terms of service. Any unauthorized use, reproduction, or distribution of the features and functionality of the Service and Website is strictly prohibited and may result in legal consequences. The Service and the Website are protected by copyright, trademark, and other laws in the U.S. and other countries. Without obtaining the Company’s explicit and written consent, you are strictly prohibited from utilizing our trademarks or trade names in association with any product or service.

By accessing and using the Service, you acknowledge and agree that neither you as a Guest nor as a User are granted any ownership rights to the intellectual property associated with the Service.

The utilization of the Service or the Website through automated methods, such as machine or computer programs, is categorically prohibited. The User is not granted authorization to establish, formulate, or release APIs or any other mechanisms facilitating proxy access to the Service or the Website.

The Quantum Teleportation Kit’s source code can be openly shared in applications on the Apple App Store, provided that a Developer License has been acquired. The “soul” file of Bugwana Bot can be freely shared with the public when used independently to create a chatbot through services akin to Chatbase, Arches, or comparable OpenAI GPT-4 resellers.

For the purpose of addressing any inquiries pertaining to these terms of service, we kindly request that you utilize the Contact form made available on this website or, alternatively, send a written correspondence to the following address: Choracle AI Factory, LLC, located at 401 Bowling Avenue, Unit 52, Nashville, TN 37205, United States of America.